10 Tips to Get the Right Caravan Insurance Cover

Thursday, September 10, 2009

There are many caravan insurance policies available on the market, but how do you get the right cover?
Check out our top tips below:

1. Get The Right Cover For Your Caravan
Sounds obvious, right? But nonetheless it's worth ensuring that your caravan is insured appropriately. Make sure that you've accurately stated the replacement value of the caravan and also mention any specific requirements to make sure your caravan is fully covered; otherwise you could find yourself severely out of pocket if the worst happens.

2. Consider A 'Replace As New' Policy
Does your policy offer a 'Replace as New' option, whereby a new or similar caravan will be provided in the event that your caravan is stolen or written off? It is worth finding out if your caravan qualifies for this option. The premium is a little more expensive, but may be worth considering.

3. Contents Cover
Check to see that the contents that you own inside the caravan are covered. Also stipulate any items that may be excluded in the policy, such as personal cash or credit cards.

4. Check the Small Print
Read the policy terms and conditions that are provided by the company. Ensure that you understand the conditions that apply to your particular policy. Failure to comply with the conditions may result in your policy being voided.

5. Usage
Where do you take your caravan? UK only? Or abroad? However and whenever you use your caravan, make sure you're covered. If you plan on taking your caravan abroad, you may find that your existing policy will cover you for a set number of days, however if you plan to be away for longer tell your insurance company and make sure that you've got the right insurance cover.

6. Breakdown Cover
If something happens to your caravan while you are touring which renders it unusable, does your insurance cover you for breakdowns? It can be extremely expensive if not! Ideally you want a policy which offers alternative accommodation or an alternative caravan. You'll also need to check coverage outside the UK if you plan to take your caravan abroad - will they repatriate the caravan to the UK and is there any cover for the towing vehicle?

7. Liability Cover
Check to see that you have adequate liability cover and find out if legal fees are also included in the policy.

8. Security
In the terms and conditions, double check the security policy to find out what level of security is required. There is usually a minimum level of security required for caravans, such as a hitch lock or a wheel clamp, and when they must be applied. You may also find that some insurers offer discounts for additional security features such as alarms or tracking devices.

9. Ask Questions
Don't be afraid to ask your insurance provider questions to ensure that you understand what your caravan insurance policy covers. Also, disclose all details about your caravan, even if they seem minor to you, as they may affect your policy.

10. Shop Around
Compare the different caravan insurance policies on offer and see which ones suit your caravanning needs best. If you are comparing prices, remember to check that you really are comparing like for like. We all like to save money, but the cheapest policy isn't always going to be the best option, particularly if you're not going to get the same level of cover.


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